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Faculty | Office hours |
PhD Students PhD Student | Thursday, 11:30 - 12:15( by prior e-mail appointment) |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Dorota Babilas Department of British Culture Associate Professor |
Office hours in the summer semester 2024/2025 (room 3.515) Mondays 11.45-13.15 (prior email recommended, possible online meetings) |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Bartłomiej Błaszkiewicz Head of the Department of British Literature Deparment of British Literature associate professor |
office hours in summer semester 2024/2025 Mondays, 15.00-16.30 |
Deparment of British Literature associate professor |
summer semester 2024/25 Fridays 4.30-6.00 p.m. |
PhD Students PhD Student | Monday, 9:30 - 11:00am |
prof. dr hab. Grażyna Bystydzieńska Deparment of British Literature full professor | Winter semester 2023/2024 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk Deparment of British Literature associate professor | ON LEAVE IN THE WINTER SEMESTER 2024/25 |
Department of North American Cultures and Literatures Assistant Professor |
Fridays 11:30-13:00 During the semester, meetings are held in person (in room 3.415) and online (on Zoom by e-mail appointment) During the exam session, meetings are held only online (by e-mail appointment) |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Bartłomiej Czaplicki Deputy Head of Research Department of the English Language associate professor |
Winter semester 2023/2024 Thursdays 11.30-13.00 room 2.411 |
Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
Spring Semester 2024/2025 Tuesdays, between 11.30 am and 1 pm (room 3.239), on-site or on ZOOM, both by email appointment Link to the online ZOOM meeting: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/93752281416 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Julia Fiedorczuk-Glinecka Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
Duty hours Winter semester 2023/2024 Tuesday 13.15-14.45, room 2.051 |
Department of the English Language full professor | No office hours in Summer term of 2024/2025 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Romuald Gozdawa-Gołębiowski Department of the English Language associate professor |
Winter semester 2023/2024 Monday 14.00-15.30 (online) |
dr Przemysław Grabowski-Górniak Representative for contact with educational institutions Deparment of British Literature assistant professor |
Summer semester 2024/25: Friday 10:00-11:30 (by appointment) |
Department of British Culture associate professor | Winter semester 2023/2024 |
Department of North American Cultures and Literatures Assistant Professor |
Winter semester 2024/2025 Fridays 9:45-11:30 |
Department of Applied Linguistics associate professor |
Spring semester 2024/25 Wednesdays 10.30-12.00 (by e-mail appointment) |
dr Agnieszka Kałdonek-Crnjaković Department of Applied Linguistics assistant professor | Sabbatical 1 Oct 2024-30 Sept 2025 |
Department of Translation Studies lecturer |
Office hours during the retake session in September: Friday (Sept. 6) at. 12.00-13.30, room 3.411 Winter semester 2024/2025 Fridays 14.45-15.45 (by e-mail appointment) |
Department of Translation Studies lecturer | Wednesdays 8.45-9.45 am and 2.45-3.15 pm by e-mail appointment |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Barry Keane Department of Translation Studies associate professor |
Winter semester Wednesdays 8.00-9.30 (by e-mail appointment) September exam period Thursday Sept. 5 (11am-12.30am); Tuesday Sept. 10 (11.am-12.30am) |
dr Marta Kisielewska-Krysiuk Representative for student internships Department of the English Language assistant professor |
Office hours in the exam session: 6.02 Thur 11.00 - 12.30 (online, via email appointment) Spring term 2024/25 Wednesday 10.45 - 11.30 Thursday 9.00 - 9.45 Room 3.223 |
Department of Translation Studies lecturer |
Summer semester 2024-2025 by email appointment Tuesdays, 1.30 p.m.-3 p.m. |
dr Agata Klimczak-Pawlak Erasmus Programme Coordinator (students) Department of Applied Linguistics assistant professor |
Winter semester 2023/2024 Mondays 18.15-19.15 (by e-mail appointment) |
Department of the English Language associate professor |
fall term 2024/2025: Thursday 9:30 - 11:00 I have to cancel my duty hours on 19 Dec/ 2024. If there is a need, please contact me via email |
Department of British Culture associate professor | ON LEAVE IN THE WINTER SEMESTER 2024/25 |
Department of the English Language associate professor |
Summer Semester 2024/2025 Thursdays, 1.30-3.00 PM Room 3.418 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Aniela Korzeniowska Department of Translation Studies associate professor |
Summer semester 2024/2025 Tuesday: 12.45-13.15 (by e-mail appointment), room 3.411 |
Deparment of British Literature full professor |
Spring semester 2024/2025 Tuesday 11.45-13.15 or by appointment |
PhD Students PhD Student | Mondays, 8 - 9:30 AM |
dr Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko Head of Studies Department of British Culture assistant professor |
summer semester: Friday 12:30-14:00 book a meeting (see the link above) |
dr Irena Księżopolska First year counsellor (BA studies) Deparment of British Literature assistant professor |
Summer semester 2024/2025 Fridays 12.30-14.00 room 2.245 It is best to email me ahead of time to get an appointment. |
Department of Translation Studies assistant professor |
Summer semester 2024/2025: Wednesdays, 10.00-11.30 on site or via Zoom (after previous contact by email) |
Department of British Culture assistant professor |
Winter semester 2024/2025 Thursdays 11.30-1 p.m. (please email me to make an appointment) |
dr hab. Zuzanna Ładyga-Michalska Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
Winter semester 2023/2024 Tuesdays 10.00 (upon e-mail requst) room 3.415 or 3.239 |
Department of North American Cultures and Literatures full professor |
online. Please send me an email September 3, 10; 8.00-9.30 on leave in the winter semester 2024/25 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Małgorzata Łuczyńska-Hołdys Deparment of British Literature associate professor |
Winter examination session: 28.01.2025 (Tue) 13.00-14.30 30.01.2025 (Thu) 11.30-13.00 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Beata Łukaszewicz Department of the English Language associate professor |
Spring semester 2024/2025 (via email appointment) THU 16:30 - 18:00 |
Department of the English Language assistant professor |
Summer semester: Tuesday 13:30 - 15:00, by e-mail appointment |
PhD Students PhD Student | Tuesday, 14:00-14:45 |
PhD Students PhD Student | Friday, 16.30 - 18.00 |
dr hab. Mirosław Miernik Erasmus Programme Coordinator (employees & incoming students) Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor | Summer semester 2024/25 - Thursdays 9.45-11.15 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Zbigniew Możejko Institute’s representative for teacher training Department of Applied Linguistics associate professor |
during Spring 2024/2025 TUES from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm (or arrange a different time via email) Room: 3.229 |
Department of the English Language assistant professor | Thursdays 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Monika Opalińska Department of the English Language associate professor |
Summer semester 2024/25 Mondays 13.15-14.45 room 3.418 (by prior email appointment) |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Otwinowska-Kasztelanic Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics Department of Applied Linguistics associate professor |
Winter/autumn semester 2024/2025 Tuesday, 10.30-11.15, room 3.411 Wednesday, 15.00-15.45, room 3.411 Spring semester 2024/2025: sabbatical |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Marek Paryż Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
Duty hours in the summer semester 2024/2025 Monday, 9.00-9.45 a.m. Monday, 2.45-3.30 p.m. |
Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
Summer semester 2024/2025 Fridays 13:30 - 15 Room 3.239 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Piskorska Head of the Department of Translation Studies Department of Applied Linguistics associate professor |
Winter semester 2024/2025 by e-mail appointment a.piskorska@uw.edu.pl |
PhD Students PhD Student | Wednesday 11.00-12.30 via Zoom (by prior e-mail appointment) |
Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
Wednesdays, 1:30 – 3:00 pm, by email appointment only. Please email me to schedule. |
Deparment of British Literature associate professor |
summer semester 2024/2025 Wednesdays 13:00-14:30, room 2.245 winter exam session: 27.01.2025, 12:00-13:30, room 2.245 5.02.2025, 8:30-10:00, room 2.245 |
Department of Translation Studies associate professor |
Summer semester 2024/2025 Tuesdays 9:45 am-11:15 am |
Professor Kelly Ritter (Moffett) Fulbright Scholar Department of North American Cultures and Literatures Full Professor | Tuesdays 13:30-15:00 in Room 3.415 and by appointment |
Department of the English Language assistant professor |
Please use this form for appointments: calendar.app.google/VLgzm3jUgxBhiQZ99 |
Department of the English Language full professor | Spring semester 2023/2024: 13:15-14:45 |
dr hab. Paweł Rutkowski Head of the Department of British Culture Department of British Culture associate professor |
Duty hours in spring semester 2024/2025 Tuesdays 11:30-13:00, room 3.515 (prior notification to rutkowski.pawel@uw.edu.pl) |
dr Paweł Rydzewski Head of the Department of the English Language Department of the English Language assistant professor |
Spring semester 2024/2025 By e-mail appointment: Tuesday 13.15-14.45 |
Department of Applied Linguistics assistant professor | Online or face-to-face (at a time suitable to all parties involved). Please arrange face-to-face or via email. |
PhD Students PhD Student | Friday, 2.15-3.00pm |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Marzena Sokołowska-Paryż Deparment of British Literature associate professor | Sabbatical leave 01.10.2024-30.09.2025. |
Department of British Culture assistant professor | Office hours in the spring semester: Tuesday 16:45-18:15 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Izabela Szymańska Head of the Faculty Council Department of Translation Studies associate professor |
winter semester 2024/2025 Wednesdays 15.30-16.30 (by earlier e-mail appointment) office hours in the winter exam session: 30.01. 10:30-11:30 room 3411 3.02. 9:30-11:00 room 3411 (by earlier e-mail appointment) |
Deparment of British Literature assistant professor |
Email: p.uscinski@uw.edu.pl 11.45 - 13.15 Thursdays, room no. 2.247 |
Department of the English Language assistant professor |
Winter semester 24/25 Friday 14:30-16:00, by e-mail appointment on Zoom |
Department of the English Language associate professor |
Summer semester 2024/2025 Tuesdays 9.45-11.15, room 3.223 (by e-mail appointment) |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Justyna Wierzchowska Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor | Winter semester 2023/2024 |
prof. ucz. dr hab. Justyna Włodarczyk Head of the Institute of English Studies Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
2024/2025, spring semester: Mondays, 12:00-13:00 Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 |
Department of the English Language assistant professor |
Thursday 14:00 - 14:45 and 16:45 - 17:30 (by email appointment) Room 3.418 |
Department of the English Language associate professor |
Summer semester Thursday 11.45-13.15 room 3.418 |
PhD Students PhD Student | Tuesday 14:00-15;30 (by prior e-mail appointment) |
dr Dariusz Zembrzuski Deputy head of SFK/MSF Department of the English Language assistant professor |
Winter semester 2023/2024 czwartki 13.15-14.45 room 3.418 |
dr hab. Joanna Ziarkowska-Ciechanowska Head of the Department of North American Cultures and Literatures Department of North American Cultures and Literatures associate professor |
Office hours in the summer semester: Wednesdays, 11:45-1:15 Room 3.415 |