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Department of Applied Linguistics

The scientific and didactic activities of the Department develop primarily in two directions: language acquisition and English teacher training. The employees are engaged in research on language acquisition in children and adults, as well as on the phenomena of bilingualism and multilingualism. They also conduct classes and elective courses related to these topics. An important aspect of research and didactics is also language education within the framework of European policy, as well as students with special educational needs. The research carried out by the staff translates into a wide range of courses offered to students in both undergraduate and graduate programs.

More about us
Research areas

MA seminars in the academic year 2022/2023

Department members

dr hab. Katarzyna Hryniuk

dr hab. Katarzyna Hryniuk

Associate Professor

dr Agata Klimczak-Pawlak

dr Agata Klimczak-Pawlak Erasmus Programme Coordinator (students)

Assistant Professor

prof. ucz. dr hab. Zbigniew Możejko

prof. ucz. dr hab. Zbigniew Możejko Institute’s representative for teacher training

Associate Professor

prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Otwinowska-Kasztelanic

prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Otwinowska-Kasztelanic Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics

Associate Professor

prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Piskorska

prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Piskorska Head of the Department of Translation Studies

Associate Professor

dr Breno B. Silva

dr Breno B. Silva

Assistant Professor