![[Translate to English:] Informacje o stronie - ilustracja](/fileadmin/_processed_/8/2/csm_bigstock-Garden-Flowers-Plants-and-Too-281611147_3c0cbb5c05.jpg)
While making this website we took great care of ensuring it will be accessible for all our visitors. Accessibility was audited by Utilitia sp. z o.o. in April and May of 2019, and all recommendations were adopted before it's launch. If you encounter any kind of a difficulty browsing our website please let us know. Our goal from the very beginning was to create a website for you - useful and accessible.
As the website creators, we would also like to use this opportunity to thank Mikołaj Rotnicki from Utilitia for all his suggestions and tips, far exceeding the minimum audit requirements. He had a great influence on the final shape of this site.
Our stack
Making this website would not be possible without open source software. We'd like to mention the main components:
Typo3 - Content Management System is useful for creating complex multilingual websites. We are also using typo3 extensions, among them news, dce and typo3-solr. Nginx is our web server, and typo3 uses php.
VueJS - javascript framework, which let us add interactive elements to the webpage, without compromising speed and accessibility. We are also using vue-i18n, date-fns, fontfaceobserver, lazysizes and other packages. Files are being compiled using webpack, babel and postcss.
Our stylesheets are based on Bulma, but also, while creating our own styles, we heavily depended on the CSS grid technique. We owe a lot to Jen Simmons and her tutorials.
We used github.com for our repos and ora.pm as a preferred project management tool.
This project would not be possible without the help of deans, faculty, staff and the student body of the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw.
This website was developed by the programmers of www.babyboom.pl. Design by MK. Project management and most of typo3 development by Jan Ślusarczyk.