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Student internships

The Institute of English Studies (the Faculty of Modern Languages of the University of Warsaw) organizes internship that is an integral part of studies, acting on the basis of relevant legal acts. Internship is aimed to provide an opportunity to establish oneself in the professional environment, gain skills and experience on the job market and to develop social competences. The purpose of the internship is to verify the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the course of study and to familiarize students with the practical application of acquired skills. Students are hired for internship by institutions and companies offering jobs related to graduate’s profiles developed for the studies, for example by institutions of culture (the British Council), translation agencies, publishing houses, schools, companies working with AI technology, etc. and also in the University of Warsaw units (e.g. the PR Office, the Press Office). 

Detailed rules and the form of internship are described in:

Zasady realizacji praktyk na studiach pierwszego stopnia Instytutu Anglistyki WN Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego na kierunku filologia angielska – językoznawstwo i filologia angielska – literatura i kultura


In order to properly complete the internship, please follow the instructions: Instruction

Marta Kisielewska-Krysiuk – internship supervisor for the majors English Studies - Linguistics and English Studies - Literature and Culture (Institute of English Studies, Faculty of Modern Languages of the University of Warsaw)
building of Faculty of Modern Languages UW,
room 3.223, Dobra 55, 00-312 Warszawa,

Wednesday 10.45 - 11.30

Thursday, 9:00 – 9:45

e-mail: m.kisielewska@uw.edu.pl

Internships via CO

The Career Office at the University of Warsaw collects and distributes the offers of internships in the online service www.biurokarier.edu.pl. The students access the internship offers through the Portal of Academic Career Centres, then contact the organizer to arrange the details. More here.

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