Erasmus coordinator

To contact the Erasmus+ coordinators at the Institue of English Studies, write to:

The current Erasmus coordinators for student exchange are:
Dr Katarzyna Kociołek (incoming students) and Dr Agata Klimczak-Pawlak (outgoing students).


Registration information & FAQ

Registration information can be found here.

The FAQ (frequently asked questions) can be found here.

Information for International Students

We would like to warmly welcome all incoming short-term international students.

The Insitute of English Studies is involved in international cooperation through the ERASMUS+ programme, the ERASMUS MUNDUS programmes (SALAM, SIGMA, AURORA, FELLOW, EMMEA) and through bilateral agreements.

We have been successfully cooperating through the ERASMUS+ programme with universities in the UK, Belgium, Spain, the Czech Republic and Turkey.

If you are considering a short-term stay with us and would like to find out what courses we offer, please go to:

  2. Click on the British flag
  3. Click on DIRECTORY
  4. Plug the code 3301 into the box labeled COURSES

You will see a list of courses offered at  the IES.  Not all of them are  offered each semester. If you see an “I” icon next to the name of the course, it means it is being offered in that particular semester. If you click on the course page, you will be able to see a detailed description and a schedule of classes.

 We utilize the ECTS system at the IES and please check the number of ECTS points of the course you are interested in.

If you are an exchange student who has been assigned to the Institute of English Studies by the International Relations Office,  you can choose from all the courses we offer with the exception of:

  • Master’s seminars
  • Translation courses that require a knowledge of Polish (unless you have a good knowledge of Polish)
  • The number of exchange students in other courses may sometimes be restricted.

Wymiana międzynarodowa

Instytut Anglistyki uczestniczy w programie ERASMUS+ oraz w innych programach wymiany międzynarodowej (np. ERASMUS MUNDUS) zarządzanych przez Biuro Współpracy z Zagranicą UW.

Kontakt z koordynatorami programu Erasmus+ w Instytucie Anglistyki:

W roku 2023/2024 koordynatorem wymiany studentów i doktorantów są dr Agata Klimczak-Pawlak (studenci wyjeżdżający) i dr Katarzyna Kociołek (studenci przyjeżdżający).

Szczegółowe zasady rekrutacji oraz lista uniwersytetów, z którymi IA ma podpisane umowy w dokumentach poniżej: