dr hab. Anna Rędzioch-Korkuz
Department of Translation Studies
associate professor
Room number: 3.411
email: annaredzioch@uw.edu.pl
Tuesdays 9:45 am-11:15 am
2022 – post-doctoral degree in linguistics, University of Warsaw
2013 – PhD in linguistics, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw
2009 – MA in applied linguistics, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw
Research interests and projects
- translation theory
- audiovisual translation (opera surtitling and audio description in particular)
- translation theory and semiotics
- song translation
- constraints in the translation process
- applying translation in teaching foreign languages
Selected publications
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2021).Translation as Dialogue of Constraints. A General Theory of Translation. Warszawa: Semper.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2016). Opera Surtitling as a Special Case of Audiovisual Translation. Towards a Semiotic and Translation Based Framework for Opera Surtitling. (1. wyd.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2023). “Is Translating outside Constraints ever Possible? Towards a General Framework of Constraints in Translation as Exemplified by Translating Intimate Journals.” In: Anna Hanus, Dorota Miller and Iwona Szwed Inter- and Intralinguistic Contrasts / Inter- und intralinguistische Kontraste Peter Lang, 171-182.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2024). “Singability under Constraints: Strategies of Translating Songs on Early Polish National Television.” Studia Translatorica 15: 89-110.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2024). “Between Translation and Semiotics and into Artistic Transduction.” Studia Translatorica 15: 306-310.
Franzon, J., A. Rędzioch-Korkuz & M. Gąska (2024). “Introduction to Volume 15 of the Journal Studia Translatorica on Song Translation Studies.” Studia Translatorica 15: 7-15.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2023). “Intimacy in the Strict Sense of the Term: Conflict of Intentions in the Translation of Malinowski’s Diaries.” The Translator 29(1): 90-104.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2023). “Opera in Translation. Unity and Diversity, edited by Şerban, Adriana and Kelly Kar Yue Chan.” Translation & Interpreting 15(1): 298-301.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2023). "Revisiting the Concepts of Translation Studies: Equivalence in Linguistic Translation from the Point of View of Peircean Universal Categories.” Language and Semiotic Studies 9(1): 33-53.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2023). “Beyond Singability: Descriptive-Explanatory Analysis of Polish Translations of Frank Sinatra’s My Way.” Across Languages and Cultures 24(2): 221-238.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2023). “Wokół kluczowych pojęć przekładoznawstwa – tekst wczoraj i dziś.” Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 4(62): 7-22.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2023). “Translation and Music: A New Subfield of Translation Studies. Challenges and Opportunities.” Studia Translatorica 14: 65-80.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2021). “Przekład międzyjęzykowy a tłumaczenie intersemiotyczne – na pograniczu przekładoznawstwa i semiotyki.” Language and Literary Studies of Warsaw 11: 13-32.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2021). “Translating in a Constrained Environment: Shaping Genres, Audiences and Attitudes Anew.” Babel 67(6): 707-729.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2021). “Book Review: Low, Peter (2017): Translating song. Lyrics and Text. London and New York: Routledge, 132 p.” Meta 66(3): 750-752.
Rędzioch-Korkuz, A. (2021). “Canonical Texts in the Audiovisual Context: Surtitling Eugene Onegin for Polish Audiences.” Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 29(6): 849-864.
Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN