dr hab. Anna Pochmara-Ryżko

Department of North American Cultures and Literatures

associate professor

Room number: 221

email: a.pochmara@uw.edu.pl



  Office hours: Wednesdays, 1:30 – 3:00 pm, by email appointment only. Please email me to schedule.
dr hab. Anna Pochmara-Ryżko


M.A., University of Warsaw, 2002,

M.A., University of Warsaw, 2005

Ph.D., University of Warsaw, 2009

Research interests and projects

  • African American literature and culture
  • The Harlem Renaissance
  • American realism and modernism
  • Whiteness studies
  • Race, class, gender and sexuality in American literature and culture
  • Addiction studies

Selected publications


Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2017). Bohaterowie w bezruchu. Przedstawienia męskości w zbiorze Mężczyźni bez kobiet a zmiany w ideologiach genderowych na początku XX wieku. In E. Łuczak (Ed.). Ernest Hemingway. (pp. 75-102). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2016). "Harlem Renaissance/New Negro Movement". In E. Blum , C. Burnidge , E. Conroy-Krutz & D. Kinkela (Eds.). America in the World, 1776 to the Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History. (pp. 445-447). Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. D. (2013). Amerykański picaro, „czarni biali” i „półmężczyźni-półkobiety”: kulturowa liminalność a fabuła pikareski i westernu w powieści Thomasa Bergera Mały Wielki Człowiek. In M. Paryż & A. Preis-Smith (Eds.). Amerykański western literacki w XX wieku. Między historią, fantazją a ideologią. (pp. 128-147). Warszawa: Czuły Barbarzyńca.

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2013). Gra w ciemno – dylematy i paradoksy lektury opowiadania. In E. Łuczak (Ed.). Toni Morrison. (pp. 47-64). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.


Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2018). Cultural Studies as a Dominant, Literary Analysis as a Residual: Teaching American Studies in Poland in the Age of Populism. RSA Journal Rivista di Studi Americani, 29, (pp. 169-173).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2018). Enslavement to Philanthropy, Freedom from Heredity: Amelia E. Johnson’s and Paul Laurence Dunbar’s Uses and Misuses of Sentimentalism and Naturalism. Polish Journal for American Studies, 12, (pp. 113-128).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. D. & Wierzchowska, J. (2017). Notes on the Uses of Black Camp. Open Cultural Studies, 1, (pp. 696–700).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. D. & Wierzchowska, J. L. (2017). Nobody Knows My Name: The Masquerade of Mourning in the Early 1980s Artistic Productions of Michael Jackson and Prince. Open Cultural Studies, 1, (pp. 628–645).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2017). Like Mother Like Daughter?: Matrilineal Opposition in African American Mulatta Melodrama. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies, 26, (pp. 165-192).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2016). Failed patriarchs, familial villains, and slaves to rum: White masculinity on trial in African American mulatta melodrama. NJES. Nordic Journal of English Studies, 15, (pp. 208-235).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2016). Tropes of Temperance, Specters of Naturalism: Amelia E. Johnson’s Clarence and Corinne. Atlantis-Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, 38, (pp. 45-62).

Pochmara-Ryżko, A. (2015). Between Elysium and Inferno: The Rhetoric of Ambivalence in Oscar Wilde’s and Rudyard Kipling’s Writings about America. The Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 13, (pp. 56-75).

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN


Anna Pochmara is Associate Professor at the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw. She holds a double M.A. degree and a Ph.D. in American literature and culture. As a graduate student, she received a Fulbright grant to do research for her doctoral project at Yale University under the academic guidance of Hazel V. Carby. Her Ph.D. dissertation manuscript was mentioned as the runner-up in the 2009 Rob Kroes Publication Award competition organized by the European Association for American Studies. Pochmara was the editor of Acta Philologica, the journal of the Faculty of Modern Languages, UW, and in 2018, she co-edited On Uses of Black Camp, a special issue of Open Cultural Studies. In 2019, together with Ewa Luczak and Samir Dayal, she edited the anthology Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity (De Gruyter Open 2019). She is the author of over thirty articles and reviews in the field of American studies, The Making of the New Negro: Black Authorship, Masculinity, and Sexuality (Amsterdam University Press 2011), which received the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education Award, and  The Nadir and the Zenith: Temperance and Excess in the Early African American Novel (University of Georgia Press 2021), which was awarded an honorary mention in the American Studies Network 2022 competition for a remarkable book published in English by a European scholar in the field of American Studies. In 2022, she co-edited a special issue of the European Journal of American Studies devoted to late modern boredom. The African American Novel in the 21st Century, an anthology she co-edited with Raphaël Lambert, will be published by Brill in the Fall of 2024.