dr Przemysław Uściński
Deparment of British Literature
assistant professor
Room number: 2.247
Phone: +48 (22) 5531415
email: przemek.u@hotmail.com
11.45 - 13.15 Thursdays, room no. 2.247
M.A. -- University of Warsaw, 2009
Ph.D. -- University of Warsaw, 2015
Research interests and projects
- British literature and culture of the 18th century;
- literature and philosophy of the Enlightenment;
- the history of the novel;
- parody and satire in British literature;
- travel writing;
- postcolonial studies;
- literary theory and cultural studies.
Selected publications
Uściński, P. & Pypeć, M. (Eds.) (2022). Travel and Otherness in Nineteenth-Century British Writing. Warsaw University Press.
Uściński, P. (2017). Parody, Scriblerian Wit and the Rise of the Novel. Parodic Textuality from Pope to Sterne. Peter Lang.
Uściński, P. (2018). The Dunciad by Alexander Pope: The Literary Topography of Eighteenth-Century London. In J. Tambling (Ed.). The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. (pp. ). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Uściński, P. (2018). Pope's 'Solid Pudding', Swift's 'Proposal', and the Poor: Poverty in Scriblerian Texts. In G. Bystydzieńska & E. Harris (Eds.). From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th Century British Literature and Culture. Vol. 6. (pp. 313-326). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Uściński, P. (2017). Chains, Castles, Gothic Terror(s) and Blake's Urizen. In G. Bystydzieńska (Ed.). Gothic, Sensation, Detection. (pp. 13-28). Warszawa: Pracownia "Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich" Instytut Anglistyki UW.
Uściński, P. W. (2014). Borderlines/Ornaments in Eighteenth-Century Classical Discourse. In S. Masłoń & A. Pantuchowicz (Eds.). Reciprocities: Essays in Honour of Professor Tadeusz Rachwał. (pp. 87-105). Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
Uściński, P. W. (2014). 'This unpolish'd, rugged verse': Epistemology in the Poetic Discourse of the Restoration. In A. Walczuk & W. Witalisz (Eds.). Old Challenges and New Horizons in English and American Studies. (pp. 49-57). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang - International Academic Publishers.
Uściński, P. W. (2014). The Mock(ing) Theatre: Parody in John Gay's Achilles and Henry Fielding's Tom Thumb. In G. Bystydzieńska & E. Harris (Eds.). From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 4. (pp. 511-520). Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich.
Uściński, P. W. (2013). Unmasking Evil through Parody: Jonathan Swift’s Politics of Exposure. In A. Ciuk , S. Nicieja & R. Wolny (Eds.). Evil and Ugliness across Literatures and Cultures. (pp. ). Opole: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
Uściński, P. W. (2013). Forbidden Territories: the Sexual and the Social in Allan Hollinghurst’s Novel The Line of Beauty. In J. Fabiszak , E. Urbaniak-Rybicka & B. Wolski (Eds.). Crossroads in Literature and Culture. (pp. ). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Uściński, P. W. (2015). Circles of Deceit. The (Illusive) Sameness in Alexander Pope's "Essay on Man" and "The Dunciad". The New Review : an International Journal of British Studies, 5, (pp. 139-154).
Uściński, P. W. (2014). Liberty and Abuse: The Notion of 'Conscience' in the Selected Writings of Jonathan Swift, John Locke and Laurence Sterne. The New Review : an International Journal of British Studies, 4, (pp. 117-128).
Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN