dr Kamil Chrzczonowicz

Department of North American Cultures and Literatures

Assistant Professor

Room number: 3.415

email: kchrzczonowicz@uw.edu.pl

  Office hours: Fridays 11:30-13:00

During the semester, meetings are held in person (in room 3.415) and online (on Zoom by e-mail appointment)

During the exam session, meetings are held only online (by e-mail appointment)
dr Kamil Chrzczonowicz

Selected publications

“‘How Does it Feel to Be Free of One’s Illusions?’: Erasure (2001) and the Anti-Essentialist Ethos of Percival Everett.” The African American Novel in the 21st Century. Red. Anna Pochmara and Raphaël Lambert. (Brill, European Perspectives on the United States Series, 2025).

- “Humor i defamiliaryzacja w Koniokradach (1962 r.) Williama Faulknera.” Mistrzowie Literatury Amerykańskiej: William Faulkner. Ed. Ewa Łuczak. (Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2022), p. 265-280.

- “James Baldwin w telewizji.” Mistrzowie Literatury Amerykańskiej: James Baldwin. Ed. Anna Pochmara. (Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2021), p. 249-267.

-"Nie taki Hemingway poważny, jak go malują. Humor w 'Listach' młodego Hemingwaya." Mistrzowie Literatury Amerykańskiej: Ernest Hemingway. Ed. Ewa Łuczak. (Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2017), p. 281-300.

- “The Satire of the Nostalgia for ‘Traditional America’ in the Works of Selected Northern American Comic Authors.” Dwelling in Days Foregone: Nostalgia in American Literature and Culture. Red. Weronika Łaszkiewicz et al. (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016), p. 81-93.


Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN


Dr. Kamil Chrzczonowicz joined the Department of North American Cultures and Literatures in 2022. However, he has been associated with the Institute of English Studies for over a decade – he completed his M.A. studies (in 2013) and defended his Ph.D. (in 2021) there, both with distinction. Dr. Chrzczonowicz's area of expertise includes humor theory, the history of American comedy and satire, and the cultural construction of race and ethnicity in the United States. He approaches these topics from an interdisciplinary perspective, incorporating humanities and new technologies. Intending to promote his field of study, Dr. Chrzczonowicz co-founded the Humor Lab UW research group and has contributed to the University of Warsaw’s "Masters of American Literature" book series by writing on the comic aspects of literary classics.