mgra Maria Bolek

PhD Students

PhD Student


  Office hours: Monday, 9:30 - 11:00am

Research interests and projects




corpus linguistics

experimental and computational methods in linguistics



PhD supervision

prof. ucz. dr hab. Beata Łukaszewicz (Department of the English Language)

Selected publications

Bolek, M. (2024). Dyskurs na temat suszy i klimatu w prasie rolniczej. In E. Krogulec & A. Dziewulska (Eds.), Susza w Polsce. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Bolek, M. (2020). Czas wolny na współczesnej wsi. In A. Krzyworzeka (Ed.), Praca na wsi. Szkice etnologiczne (pp. 199-221). Oficyna Naukowa. Bolek, M., & Jakubowska, A. (2019). Different dimensions of diligence in the contemporary Polish rural areas. Anthropology of East Europe Review, 36(1), 25-39.

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN



"Exploring Linguistic Variability: MaxEnt Modeling of Yer Alternations in Polish", The 21st International Congress of Linguists, September 2024

"Embracing Variability and Gradience: A MaxEnt Grammar Approach to Yer Alternation in Polish Phonology", Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference of the Doctoral School of Humanities Uniwersytet Warszawski, January 2024

"Żymianin, czyli jak unika się kasowania antysemickich treści w social mediach", Konferencja Naukowa "Żydzi w Multiwersum Języka Polskiego", organizer: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, November 2023

"The Impact of Frequency on Phonological Processing", Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference of the Doctoral School of Humanities Uniwersytet Warszawski, December 2022

"Frequency as a factor affecting process of yer alternation", International Conference: 51st Poznań Linguistic Meeting, September 2022

"Yer alternations and frequency effects", International Conference: RFP 2022, 19th Annual Meeting of the French Phonology Network, June 2022

"Free time and work time in contemporary Polish countryside", International Conference: Imaginaries of Time, Times of the Imaginary XXXIIème Atelier du réseau FER-EURETHNO du Conseil de l'Europe, June 2020