prof. ucz. dr hab. Dorota Babilas
Department of British Culture
Associate Professor
Room number: 3.515
Monday 27 January 11.30-13.00
Tuesday 28 January 10.00-12.00
Friday 31 January 10.00-11.30
(prior email recommended, possible online meetings)
M.A., University of Warsaw, 1995
Ph.D., University of Warsaw, 2000
Post-doctoral (Habilitacja), University of Warsaw, 2013
Prof. UW, 2023
Research interests and projects
- Social history of Victorian England (esp. monarchy and family)
- Nineteenth-century literature, culture and art
- Reception of Victorianism in the 20th and 21st c.
- History of fashion
- Opera and musical theatre
- Mythology
- Popular culture since the 19th c.
Selected publications
Babilas, D. (2018). Opera Paryska Palais Garnier. Historia, sztuka, mit. (1st ed.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Korzeniowska, A. & Szymańska, I. (Eds.). (2016). Scottish Culture: Dialogue and Self-Expression. (1st ed.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper.
Babilas, D. (2017). Grzesznica, dewianka, kryminalistka? Wiktoriańska "kobieta upadła" w sztuce epoki. In M. Malinowska (Ed.). Kobieta w kulturze i literaturze - od antyku po XXI wiek. (pp. 235-244). Warszawa: Instytut Romanistki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Babilas, D. & Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2017). Edmund Reid and the Representation of the Middle Class in Ripper Street. In L. Krawczyk-Żywko (Ed.). Victorian Detectives in Contemporary Culture: Beyond Sherlock Holmes. (pp. 43-56). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Babilas, D. (2016). The Scots on Broadway: The Uses and Abuses of Scottishness in Brigadoon. In A. Korzeniowska & I. Szymańska (Eds.). Scottish Culture: Dialogue and Self-Expression. (pp. 349-358). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper.
Babilas, D. (2016). Hollywood Monsters in Love: Quasimodo, Erik, Gwynplaine. In A. Leadley (Ed.). Theorizing Sex and Disability: An Interdisciplinary Approach. (pp. 3-13). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Babilas, D. (2016). Tod Browning's Dracula (1931): The Vampire Wears a Dress Coat. In I. Ermida (Ed.). Dracula and the Gothic in Literature, Pop Culture and the Arts. (pp. 137-156). Leiden, Boston: Brill Rodopi.
Babilas, D. (2016). Krzywe lustra - adaptacje filmowe Upiora Opery Gastona Leroux. In A. HELMAN & P. Włodek (Eds.). Od de Laclosa do Collarda. Adaptacje literatury francuskiej. (pp. 97-110). Gdańsk: Fundacja Terytoria Książki.
Babilas, D. (2015). Królowa daje mata królowi. Shatranj Ke Khiladi Munshi Premchanda i Satyajita Raya. In G. Stachówna & T. Szurlej (Eds.). Od Ramajany do Slumdoga. Filmowe adaptacje literatury indyjskiej. (pp. 161-172). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytatu Jagiellońskiego.
Babilas, D. (2015). Queen Anne's Cultural Afterlife. In L. Krawczyk-Żywko (Ed.). Exploring History: British Culture and Society 1700 to the Present. Essays in Honour of Professor Emma Harris. (pp. 11-22). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Babilas, D. (2014). Art and Kitsch in Brian de Palma's The Phantom of the Paradise. In J. Stępień (Ed.). Redefining Kitsch and Camp in Literature and Culture. (pp. 115-128). Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Babilas, D. (2014). Scientific Knowledge, Artistic Imagination, and Traditional Femininity in Mary Delany's Paper Mosaiscs. In G. Bystydzieńska & E. Harris (Eds.). From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 4. (pp. 35-43). Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich.
Babilas, D. (2014). Her Majesty's Own Murderer? Queen Victoria and Jack the Ripper in Popular Fiction. In U. Elias & A. Sienkiewicz-Charlish (Eds.). Crime Scenes. Modern Crime Fiction in an International Context. (pp. 213-228). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Babilas, D. (2013). Paris Opera as an Edifice and a Literary Haunted House. In A. Heise-Von Der Lippe (Ed.). Dark Cartographies – Exploring Gothic Spaces. (pp. 67-87). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Babilas, D. (2013). The innocence of ugliness: Joseph Merrick, his interpreters and the evils of late-Victorian society. In R. Wolny & Z. Wąsik (Eds.). Faces and Masks of Ugliness in Literary Narratives. (pp. 27-36). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Babilas, D. & Krawczyk-Żywko, L. (2013). Introduction. In D. Babilas & L. Krawczyk-Żywko (Eds.). We the Neo-Victorians: Perspectives on Literature and Culture. (pp. 11-21). Warszawa: Instytut Anglistyki UW.
Babilas, D. (2013). Wampir zakłada smoking - Dracula Toda Browninga. In Ł. Plesnar & R. Syska (Eds.). Arcydzieła klasycznego kina amerykańskiego. (pp. 45-60). Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Czasopisma o Tematyce Audiowizualnej EKRANy.
Babilas, D. (2018). From "Le Fantôme to The Phantom": The Musical Adaptations of Gaston Leroux's Novel. Revue Musicorum, 20, (pp. 233-246).
Babilas, D. (2014). Queen Victoria's Canine Companions. Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego imienia Adama Mickiewicza, R. VII (XLIX), (pp. 299-310).
Babilas, D. (2013). From Female Accomplishment to Botanical Science: Mary Delany’s Paper Mosaicks. Literature Compass, 10, (pp. 631-642).
Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN