prof. ucz. dr hab. Beata Łukaszewicz

Department of the English Language

associate professor

Head of the Department of the English Language

Room number: 3.418 (Dept. Eng. Lang.), 2.221 (Speech Lab)

Phone: +48 (22) 5531416


  Office hours: Spring semester 2024/2025
(via email appointment)
THU 16:30 - 18:00
prof. ucz. dr hab. Beata Łukaszewicz


M.A., University of Warsaw, 1994

Ph.D., University of Warsaw, 2000

Postdoctoral Degree in Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2012

Research interests and projects

  • phonological acquisition (formal and empirical issues concerning the origins and development of phonological organization in the child)
  • phonetics-phonology interface (links and boundaries between the gradient and the categorical); dynamical systems theory
  • generative phonology (especially, Optimality Theory)
  • acoustic phonetics
  • psycholinguistic models of language processing
  • metrical theories and the phonetic grounding of primary and secondary stress


Funded Projects:

2023 – 2024 Ministry of Education and Science, grant No. 7365/IA/SP/2023 "System ultrasonograficzny do obrazowania mowy w technologii 3D/4D" ["A 3D/4D ultrasound system for speech imaging"] (a research infrastructure grant, 695 900 PLN); Project leader

2018 – 2021    National Science Centre, Poland, grant OPUS No. 2017/27/B/HS2/00780, ‘Perceptual and  acoustic correlates of rhythmic stress’; Co-Investigator

2016 – 2018    National Science Centre, Poland, grant OPUS No. 2015/17/B/HS2/01455, ‘Iterative and  bidirectional stress systems: Polish and Ukrainian’; Principal Investigator

2007 – 2008    Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, grant No. N10400732/0523, ‘Acoustic   correlates of word stress in child and adult Polish’; Principal Investigator

Selected publications


  • Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow (to appear). Metrical phonology of Slavonic stress. In: Jan Fellerer and Neil Bermel (eds.), The Oxford Guide to the Slavonic Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Czaplicki, Bartłomiej, Beata Łukaszewicz, & Monika Opalińska (Eds.) (2018). Phonology, Fieldwork and Generalisations. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • Łukaszewicz. Beata (2010). Phonological Acquisition in Optimality Theory: Towards an Integrated Comprehension-Production Grammar. Warszawa: Instytut Anglistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
  • Łukaszewicz, Beata & Monika Opalińska (2007). How abstract are children’s underlying representations – evidence from Polish. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 15, 263-89.
  • Łukaszewicz, Beata (2007). Reduction in syllable onsets in the acquisition of Polish: deletion, coalescence, metathesis and gemination. Journal of Child Language 34, 53-82.
  • Łukaszewicz, Beata & Monika Opalińska (2006). ‘e-raising’ in child Polish: phonetics-phonology interface. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 42, 163-190.
  • Łukaszewicz, Beata (2006). Extrasyllabicity, transparency and prosodic constituency in the acquisition of Polish. Lingua 116, 1-30.
  • Łukaszewicz, Beata (2006). Acquisition of the +/- back contrast in Polish. In: Bański, Piotr, Beata Łukaszewicz, & Monika Opalińska (Eds.), Studies in Constraint-based Phonology. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. 89-109.

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN




(2024) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Korelaty akustyczne akcentu leksykalnego w języku ukraińskim. Area Slavica 5, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 02-03 October 2024. 

(2024) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Anna Łukaszewicz. The effect of primary and rhythmic stress on onset consonant duration in Polish. Speech Prosody,  Leiden, The Netherlands, 02–05 July 2024.

(2024) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Word-final rhythmic prominence in Ukrainian. Speech Prosody, Leiden, The Netherlands, 02–05 July 2024.

(2024) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Akcent główny i poboczny w języku ukraińskim w świetle współczesnej teorii fonologicznej. Międzynarodowa konferencja fonetyczna: Aktualne problemy fonetyki słowiańskiej, Toruń, 24–25 May 2024.

(2023) Łukaszewicz, Anna, Beata Łukaszewicz & Janina Mołczanow. The role of rhythmic stress in the perception of words. The 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Praga, Czech Republic, 7-11 August 2023.

(2022) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Akwizycja języka w ujęciu dynamicznym. Invited talk, Konwersatorium orientalistyczne językoznawcze, Wydz. Orientalistyczny UW, 23-11-2022.

(2022) Łukaszewicz, Beata, Janina Mołczanow, & Anna Łukaszewicz. Pretonic lengthening in a hybrid lexical-grammatical stress system. 29th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, UK (online), 25-27 May 2022.

(2022) Łukaszewicz, Beata, Janina Mołczanow, & Anna Łukaszewicz. Pretonic lengthening as the lexical stress domain extension. Speech Prosody 11, Lisboa, Portugal, 23-26 May 2022.

(2022) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Akwizycja fonologiczna: percepcja, artykulacja, dynamika. Invited talk, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 17-05-2022.

(2021) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Czynniki fonologiczne i fonetyczne w procesie wytwarzania mowy. Invited talk, Konwersatorium orientalistyczne językoznawcze, Wydz. Orientalistyczny UW, 27-10-2021.

(2021) Mołczanow, Janina, Beata Łukaszewicz, & Anna Łukaszewicz. Duration adjustment mechanisms in Ukrainian: the case of pretonic lengthening. Societas Linguistica Europaea 54th meeting, Athens, Greece, 31 August-3 September 2021.

(2021) Mołczanow, Janina, Beata Łukaszewicz, & Anna Łukaszewicz. Pretonic lengthening in Ukrainian as the lexical stress domain extension.Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2021), Barcelona,Spain, 21-23 June 2021.

(2019)  Mołczanow, Janina, Beata Łukaszewicz, & Anna Łukaszewicz. An acoustic study of vowel undershoot in a system with several degrees of prominence. The Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2019), Graz, Austria, 15-19 September 2019.

(2019)  Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Bidirectional grammatical stress in a free lexical stress system. International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS 2019), Chania, Greece, 27-30 August 2019.

(2019) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Interaction between competence and performance factors in phonological acquisition. Invited talk, Universität Potsdam, Department Linguistik und Kognitionswissenschaften, Potsdam, Germany, 7 June 2019.

(2019) Mołczanow, Janina, Beata Łukaszewicz, & Anna Łukaszewicz. Disentangling metrical prominence from segmental and word-boundary effects. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2019), Lecce, Italy,17-19 June 2019.

(2018) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Secondary stress iteration in Ukrainian: an argument for the metrical grid. LabPhon 16, Lisboa, Portugal, 19-22 June 2018.

(2018) Łukaszewicz, Beata, Ewa Zajbt, & Urszula Krawczyk. The Rhythm of Heptasyllabic Words: Evidence for Metrical Bidirectionality. Speech Prosody 9, Poznań, Poland,13-16 June 2018.

(2018) Mołczanow, Janina, Beata Łukaszewicz, & Anna Łukaszewicz. Rhythmic stress or word-boundary effects? Comparison of primary and secondary stress correlates in segmentally identical word pairs.Speech Prosody 9, Poznań, Poland, 13-16 June 2018.

(2017) Łukaszewicz, Beata, Ewa Zajbt, Urszula Krawczyk, & Janina Mołczanow. Lombard effect related changes in the production of subsidiary stress. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2017), Köln, Germany, 12-14 June 2017.

(2017) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Leftward and rightward stress iteration in Ukrainian: acoustic evidence and theoretical implications. Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics (APAP 2017), Lublin, Poland, 23-25 June 2017.

(2016) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Is Ukrainian a bidirectional stress system? Aix Summer School on Prosody 2016. Methods in Prosody and Intonation Research: Data, Theories, Transcription, Aix-en-Provence, France, 6-9 September 2016.

(2016) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Janina Mołczanow. Is Ukrainian a bidirectional stress system? 24th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, UK, 26-28 May 2016.

(2015) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Polish stress revisited: phonetic evidence of an iterative system. 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, UK, 28-30 May 2015.

(2015) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Polish rhythmic stress revisited: phonetic evidence of an iterative system. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2015), Cambridge, UK, 29-30 June 2015.

(2008) Łukaszewicz, Beata. How specific are child-specific patterns? 39th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, Poland, 11-14 September 2008.

(2008) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Bogdan Rozborski. The acoustic grounding of lexical stress in Polish: A developmental perspective. 39th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno, Poland, 11-14 September 2008.

(2008) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Bogdan Rozborski. Acoustic correlates of word stress in child and adult Polish and the acquisition of phonological rhythm.Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP – 6), Warsaw, Poland, 5-6 April 2008.

(2008)  Łukaszewicz, Beata & Bogdan Rozborski. Categorizing stress in a multi-dimensional acoustic space: An empirical study based on spontaneous speech of adult and child Polish. Workshop on Empirical Approaches to Speech Rhythm, London, UK, 28 March 2008.

(2005) Łukaszewicz, Beata & Monika Opalińska. How abstract are children’s underlying representations? 13th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, UK, 26 – 28 May 2005.

(2002) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Extrasyllabicity, transparency and prosodic constituency in the acquisition of Polish. 10th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, UK, 23-25 May 2002.

(2002) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Acquisition of Polish extrasyllabic consonants. Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP – 4: Morphophonological acquisition in the light of current phonological theories), Warsaw, Poland, 2 March 2002.

(2001) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Acquisition of Polish extrasyllabic consonants. Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL – 4), Potsdam, Germany, 28-30 November 2001.

(2001) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Palatalized consonants and the i – y distinction in the acquisition of Polish. Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP – 3: Morphophonological meeting), Warsaw, Poland, 7-8 April 2001.

(2001) Łukaszewicz, Beata. Onset reduction in the acquisition of Polish. Holland Institute of Linguistics – Phonology 5, Potsdam, Germany, 11-13 January 2001.


Professional service:

  • Technical/Scientific Committee member: 

The Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), 2019 - 2021, 2024

20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2023

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), 2017, 2019, 2021, 2025

Old-World Conference in Phonology (OCP), 2020


  • Conference organiser

Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP-6) (with P. Bański & M. Opalińska), 2008

Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP-4) (with P. Bański), 2002

Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP-3) (with P. Bański), 2001