dr hab. Paweł Kornacki

Department of the English Language

associate professor

Room number: 3.418

Phone: +48 (22) 5531416

email: p.kornacki@uw.edu.pl

  Office hours: Summer Semester 2024/2025
Thursdays, 1.30-3.00 PM
Room 3.418
dr hab. Paweł Kornacki


M.A. in English, University of Warsaw, 1990

Ph.D. in Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1996

Associate Professor, University of Warsaw, 2012

Research interests and projects

anthropological linguistics

cross-cultural communication

contact languages

natural semantic metalanguage theory

languages: Chinese, Tok Pisin


PhD supervision

2016. Selected Aspects of Verbal Interaction in the Multilingual Society of Kurdistan. A Case Study: Greetings in Erbil. Sardar Bahri Abduljabbar Akrei. Wydział Neofilologii UW, Instytut Anglistyki

Selected publications


Kornacki, P. (2017). Rènao: What does it mean to have a good time the Chinese way?. In A. Duszak , A. Jabłoński & A. Leńko-Szymańska (Eds.). East-Asian and Central-European Encounters in Discourse Analysis and Translation. (pp. 57-82). Warszawa: Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej WLS Uniwersytet Warszawski. 

Kornacki, P. (2022). Chinese Cultural Keywords. In: Ye, Z. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-0924-4_43


Kornacki, P. (2015). A Note on the Grammatical Functions and Patterns of Use of the Function Word 'ol' in Written Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin). Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies, 24, (pp. 49-61).

Kornacki, P. (2019). A Look at Tok Pisin 'save': A Lexical Verb and an Aspectual Marker in a Cultural Context. Anglica An International Journal of English Studies. 28. 79-93. 10.7311/10.7311/0860-5734.28.2.05. 

Kornacki, P. (2019). Wantok and Lain ‐ a look at two Melanesian cultural concepts in two Tok Pisin texts. Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies, 7(2), 137–156. https://doi.org/10.1386/nzps_00002_1 

Kornacki, Paweł. (2022). Wok (‘work’) as a Melanesian Cultural Keyword: Exploring Semantic Insights from an Indigenous Tok Pisin Play. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies. 10.7311/0860-5734.31.2.04. 

Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN



(2022) Kornacki, Paweł. Bekim (repay/revenge) - exploring a key Melanesian cultural concept in a Tok Pisin indigenous movie. HSIC 2022 : 1st International Humanities – Society – Identity Congress. University of Warsaw, 7 - 9 December, 2022.

(2023) Kornacki, Paweł. Lapun Topio i save long independence, or what the old man Topio learned about 'independence.' A cultural semantic look at Melanesian words for new meanings in Manmato Uvako's early prize-winning Tok Pisin story. HSIC 2023 : 2nd International Humanities – Society – Identity Congress. University of Warsaw, 6 - 7 December, 2023. 

(2024) Kornacki, Paweł. Em Rong Blo Mi Yet! (This is my own fault!) – Making New Sense of Illness in a Tok Pisin Grassroots Educational Movie about HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea. 3rd International Humanities–Society–Identity Congress: Diversity in Equality. University of Warsaw 4-5 December 2024.



- 2024 Pro bono reviewer, Polish - US Fulbright Commission link

- 2023 Pro bono reviewer, Polish - US Fulbright Commission link

- 2023 Peer reviewer, Language Sciences link