mgr Tymoteusz Płókarz
PhD Students
PhD Student
Office hours:
Wednesday 11.00-12.30 via Zoom (by prior e-mail appointment)
Research interests and projects
Foreign language learning and teaching
emotions in foreign language education
language teacher psychology
computer-assisted language learning
PhD supervision
prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Piskorska (Department of Translation Studies)
Selected publications
(Pending) Płókarz, T. (2025). Grammarly. In L. McCallum & D. Tafazoli (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Płókarz, T. (2022). Foreign language anxiety and high school language learners' productive skills: Negative events in the EFL classroom. Konin Language Studies, 10(4), 319-340.Older publications can be found on the complete list in PBN