mgr Yauheniya Mc Daniel
Contemporary Feminist Dystopias
Corporeal Feminism
Embodied Subjectivities
Corporeal Writing
American Literature
Foreign Language Teaching Methodology
dr. hab. Anna Pochmara-Ryżko (Zakład Kultur i Literatur Ameryki Północnej)
May 26-27, 2022, Wroclaw University. Transgression as Resistance Conference Presentation: “Writing as Resistance and Transgression: Gender, Poetics, and Activismin Post-World-War-Two Literature in English,” University of Wroclaw, topic of my presentation: Do Transgressive Women Offer Hope for Breaking through Tyrannies?Julia in Orwell’s “1984” and Offred in Atwood’s “Handmaid Tale”. April 22, 2023. Jagellonian University, Krakow.
April Conference 15: Humanity/ Humanities. Conference presentation topic: Practical Implementation of Coaching Approach in the Foreign Language Teaching Classroom. Lodz University, 25.05.2024
Queer Future in The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavich. Exploration of Conceptual Metaphors. 20-23 March, 2025. Christopher Newport University, USA. 2025 Conference on Women and Gender. Title: Transforming the Corporeal Narrative: Coaching Metaphors to Redefine Women's Perception of Body and Self. Workshop.