mgr Ladan Farah Bakhsh
American Literature
African American Identity
Literary Studies
Precarity and Identity
Butlerian Study
Wybrane publikacje
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Conception of the Poet and Poetic Creativity. A Deconstructive Reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”. A Feminist Reading of Tennessee Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The Fragile Home of a Precarious Girl: A Butlerian Study of Tennessee Williams’s Glass Menagerie.Starsze publikacje znajdują się na pełnej liście PBN
Media, Consumerism, and Capitalism in Shaping Identity in DeLillo’s White Noise. (divided and published in two different sections) Precarious Patriarchs in Toni Morrison’s Paradise: A Butlerian Study