prof. ucz. dr hab. Bartłomiej Czaplicki

Zakład Języka Angielskiego

profesor uczelni

Zastępca Dyrektor IA ds. Naukowych

Pokój numer: 2.411


  Dyżur: Dyżury w semestrze zimowym 2024/2025
poniedziałki 10.00-11.30
prof. ucz. dr hab. Bartłomiej Czaplicki

Przebieg kariery

magister, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1998

doktor nauk humanistycznych, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2003

doktor habilitowany, 2015

profesor uczelni 2022


  • morfologia i fonologia
  • socjolingwistyka i dialektologia
  • północnoamerykańskie dialekty języka angielskiego
  • gwary polskie na Mazowszu
  • język kaszubski
  • procesy zmian fonetycznych i fonologia historyczna
  • generalizacje probabilistyczne
  • analogia
  • fonologia generatywna
  • nacechowanie
  • struktura sylaby
  • asymilacja i dysymilacja

Wybrane publikacje


Czaplicki, B., Łukaszewicz, B. i Opalińska, M.  (Red.). (2018). Phonology, Fieldwork and Generalisations. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Czaplicki, B. (2014). Lexicon Based Phonology: Arbitrariness in Grammar. Munich: Lincom Europa.


Czaplicki, B. (2020). Construction-specific phonology: Evidence from Polish vowel-zero alternations. In: Krzysztof Jaskuła (ed.), Phonological and Phonetic Explorations. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, pp. 77–93. 

Czaplicki, B. (2018). Polish palatalisations: the role of frequency and phonological naturalness. W: B. Czaplicki, Łukaszewicz, B. i Opalińska, M. (Red.). Phonology, Fieldwork and Generalisations. (s. 185-200). Berlin: Peter Lang.

Czaplicki, B. (2016). Phonetic basis of phonological representations: Evidence from expressive morphology in Polish. W: E. Cyran i J. Szpyra-Kozłowska (Red.). Phonology, its Faces and Interfaces. (s. 19-33). Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang.

Czaplicki, B. (2016). Word-specific phonology. The impact of token frequency and base transparency. W: G. Drożdż (Red.). Studies in Lexicogrammar. Theory and applications. (s. 261-276). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Czaplicki, B. (2014). Frequency of use and expressive palatalization. Polish diminutives. W: E. Cyran i J. Szpyra-Kozłowska (Red.). Crossing Phonetics-Phonology Lines. (s. 141-160). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Czaplicki, Bartłomiej and Małgorzata Ćavar (2024). Variation in the realization of Ukrainian back fricatives as onset lenition and non-markedness reducing coda neutralization: a 3D/4D ultrasound study. Glossa: A journal of general linguistics 9(1). doi:

Czaplicki, Bartłomiej (2022). Construction-specific effects of phonological similarity avoidance. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 58(2): 159-204.

Czaplicki, B. (2021). The strength of morphophonological schemas: Consonant mutations in Polish. Glossa: a journal of generallinguistics 6(1): 25. 1–34. DOI: 

Czaplicki, B. (2020). A Listener-Oriented Account of the Evolution of Diphthongs and Changes in the Jers in Kashubian. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 28(2): 104-140.

Czaplicki, B. (2019). Measuring the phonological (un)naturalness of selected alternation patterns in Polish. Language Sciences 72. 160–187. DOI: 

Czaplicki, B. , Jesus, L. i Pape, D. i in. (2016). Analiza akustyczna i socjolingwistyczna nowych sybilantów w wymowie młodych Polek. Poradnik Językowy, (s. 38-53).

Czaplicki, B. , Jesus, L. M. i Pape, D. i in. (2016). Acoustic evidence of new sibilants in the pronunciation of young Polish women. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 52, (s. 1-42).

Czaplicki, B. (2014). On modular approaches to grammar: Evidence from Polish. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 50, (s. 419-439).

Czaplicki, B. (2013). Arbitrariness in grammar: Palatalization effects in Polish. LINGUA, 123, (s. 31-57).

Czaplicki, B. (2013). Labial palatalization in dialectal Polish: On phonetic naturalness in grammars. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 49, (s. 455-486).

Czaplicki, B. (2013). R-metathesis in English: An account based on perception and frequency of use. LINGUA, 137, (s. 172-192).

Starsze publikacje znajdują się na pełnej liście PBN



2024 Czaplicki, Bartłomiej and Malgorzata Cavar. Onset lenition and coda neutralization in Ukrainian: implications from an instrumental articulatory analysis for the theory of markedness. The 21st International Congress of Linguists, 8-14 September 2024, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. 

2024 Czaplicki, Bartłomiej. Phonologization of cumulative phonetic effects in Kashubian: A formal analysis. The 19th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, August 15-17, 2024, Brigham Young University; Provo, UT, USA. 

2024 Czaplicki, Bartlomiej, Malgorzata Cavar and Paula Orzechowska. Articulatory correlates of morphologically conditioned assimilation: Evidence from ultrasound imaging. The 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, June 26-29, 2024. HIPCS, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. 

2024 Ćavar, Małgorzata, Bartłomiej Czaplicki. The representation of back fricatives in Ukrainian and Markedness Theory: Implications of an instrumental articulatory study. The 33rd Annual Meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, 16-19 May 2024, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada 

2023 Czaplicki, Bartłomiej. A speaker-oriented analysis of the phonologization of cumulative phonetic vowel duration in Kashubian. Sixth Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology, 4-5 December 2023, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. 

2023 Ćavar, Małgorzata, Bartłomiej Czaplicki, Paula Orzechowska. Morphological structure 
and frequency as factors in 
place assimilation in Polish. 30th Manchester Phonology Meeting, University of Manchester, 25-27 May 2023. 

2023 Ćavar, Małgorzata, Bartłomiej Czaplicki, Paula Orzechowska. Morphological structure and frequency as factors in place assimilation in Polish. Formal Approaches to Slavic Languages 32, May 19-21, 2023 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 

2022 - 17th ANNUAL MEETING of the Slavic Linguistics Society, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. “An ultrasound study of Ukrainian back fricatives: onset lenition/debuccalization”. (Bartłomiej Czaplicki and Małgorzata Ćavar)

2022 – Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. “Effects of morphology on consonant assimilation: Evidence from ultrasound imaging”. (Paula Orzechowska, Bartłomiej Czaplicki and Małgorzata Ćavar)

2022 - Dissecting Morphological Theory 3: Diminutivization, allomorphy and the architecture of grammar, workshop at 20th International Morphology Meeting, the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary. “Phonological similarity avoidance leads to lexical gaps in Polish double diminutives”.

2022 – 20th International Morphology Meeting, the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary. “Product- and source-oriented generalizations: allomorph distribution in Polish locative adjectives”.

2022 - 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece. “Product-oriented segmental templates regulate allomorph distribution in Polish locative adjectives”. 

2022 – 25th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. “Frequency determines the stability of morphophonological patterns”.

2022 - 19th Old World Conference on Phonology, University of Deusto, Donostia, Spain. “An interaction of type and token frequency determines the stability of morphophonological patterns”.

2021 – Phonetics Literature Enjoyment Group Meeting, University of Indiana at Bloomington, USA. “Frequency determines the stability of linguistic structures”.

2021 - Slavic Linguistics Society – 16, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. “Type and token frequency determine the stability of morphophonological patterns”

2021 - 28th Manchester Phonology Meeting, University of Manchester, UK. “Cophonologies require reference to the morphosyntactic category of the base”. 

17th Old World Conference on Phonology, "Coda fortition in Ukrainian: a 3D ultrasound study". 2020. University of Warsaw.

16th Old World Conference on Phonology, "Measuring phonological naturalness: Polish consonant mutations". 2019. University of Verona, Italy.

Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics. "Construction-specific phonology: Evidence from Polish vowel-zero alternations". 2019. Catholic University of Lublin.

Strength of morphophonological generalizations: consonant mutations in Polish, 26thManchester Phonology Meeting, May 2018, University of Manchester, UK.

Frequency predicts the application of consonant mutations, 14thOld World Conference in Phonology, January 2017, Dusseldorf, Germany.

The impact of frequency on pattern application, 24thManchester Phonology Meeting, May 2016, University of Manchester, UK.

Similarity avoidance and its impact on the lexicon, 25thFormal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, 2016, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA.

Acoustic evidence of new sibilants in the pronunciation of young Polish women. (Invited speaker, co-authored with Marzena Żygis, Daniel Pape and Luis Jesus), Phon & Phon meetings, 2016, Department of English Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.

The phonetic basis of phonological and morphological patterns, Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics, 2015, KUL, Lublin.

Analiza akustyczna i socjolingwistyczna nowych realizacji polskich sybilantów, (Invited speaker, co-authored with Marzena Żygis, Daniel Pape and Luis Jesus), 2014, Institute of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw.

with Marzena Żygis, Daniel Pape and Luis Jesus. Analiza akustyczna i socjolingwistyczna nowych realizacji polskich sybilantów. Akustyka w językoznawstwie – językoznawstwo w akustyce. 26-27 September 2014. Warsaw, University of Warsaw.

On modular approaches to grammar. Evidence from Polish. 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. 11-14 September 2014. Poznań, Adam Mickiewicz University.

Word-specific phonology: The impact of token frequency. Linguistic Snapshots Language and Cognition. 16-17 May 2014, Sosnowiec, University of Silesia.

On base transparency and productivity. Polish Adjectivizing suffixes. Old-World Conference in Phonology. 22-25 January 2014. Leiden, Leiden University.

with Marzena Żygis and Daniel Pape. Acoustic analysis and sociolinguistic aspects of recent developments in Polish sibilants. Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics, 21-23 June, 2013. Lublin, UMCS.

Type frequency and iconicity: Distribution of Polish diminutive suffixes. Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics, 21-23 June, 2013. Lublin, UMCS.

Frequency of use and expressive palatalization: Allomorph distribution of Polish diminutives. 21st Manchester Phonology Meeting, 23-25 May 2013, Manchester, University of Manchester.

with Marzena Żygis and Daniel Pape. Dynamics of sibilant systems: Standard Polish and its dialects. Phonetik & Phonologie 8. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. 2012.

with Marzena Żygis and Daniel Pape. “New developments in the Polish sibilant system?” 2nd Workshop on Sound Change. Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Munich. 2012.

“Arbitrariness in grammar: Palatalization effects in Polish.” 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Universidad de la Rioja, Logroño. 2011.

“Arbitrariness in grammar. Palatalization effects in Polish.” 19th Manchester Phonology Meeting. Manchester. 2011

“Vowel Shifts in Slavic: An evolutionary account based on feature mis-attribution”. Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Poznań. 2010.

“Auditory feature mis-parsing: An evolutionary account of vowel shifts in Slavic”. Language as Social Coordination: An evolutionary perspective. Warsaw. 2010.

“Contrast neutralization results from weak perceptibility: Evidence from a dialect of Polish”. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 18. Cornell University. 2009.

“Is metathesis phonetically-driven? Evidence from dialects of Polish”. Sixth Old-World Conference in Phonology. Edinburgh. 2009.

“Functional approaches to metathesis. Evidence from dialects of Polish”. Poznan Linguistics Meeting. Poznań. 2008.

“Phonetically-based sound change in dialects of Polish” 16th Manchester Phonology Meeting. Manchester. 2008.

“Phonetically-driven dissimilation” Generative Linguistics in Poland. Warszawa. 2008.

“Phonetically-based sound change”. Brown Bag Series. State University of New York at Stony Brook. 2008.

“Decomposition of Polish Nasal Vowels”. Formal Description of Slavic Languages. Nova Gorica. 2006.

 An OT Analysis of the Syllable Structure of Ukrainian”. Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Poznań. 2005.


Nagrody, granty i pobyty zagraniczne:

2021-22 stupendium Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej na Indiana University w Bloomington

2019 stypendium na Indiana University w Bloomington w Stanach Zjednoczonych, uczestnik bilateralnego programu wymiany miedzy Uniwersytetem Warszawskim a Indiana University.

2019 kurs New Technologies in Research and in Teaching w Institut fur Deutsche Sprache w Mannheim w Niemczech oraz w Norwich Institute for Language Education w Norwich w Wielkiej Brytanii 

2018 Nagroda Rektora UW za osiągnięcia naukowe 

2007-2008 Fulbright Senior Grant na State University of New York w Stony Brook w Stanach Zjednoczonych.