dr hab. Anna Wojtyś
Zakład Języka Angielskiego
Pokój numer: 3.418
Telefon: +48 (22) 5531416
email: a.wojtys@uw.edu.pl
czwartek 11.45-13.15
pokój 3.418
Przebieg kariery
2018 – stopień doktora habilitowanego nauk humanistycznych w zakresie językoznawstwa
2007 – stopień doktora nauk humanistycznych w zakresie językoznawstwa
2002 – tytuł magistra filologii angielskiej
- historia języka angielskiego
- dialektologia języka angielskiego
- kontakt językowy
- socjolingwistyka
- morfologia historyczna
- fonetyka i fonologia
- przekład dawnych tekstów
Wybrane publikacje
Wojtyś, A. (2017). The Non-Surviving Preterite-Present Verbs in English. The Demise of *dugan, munan, *-nugan, *þurfan, and unnan. (1. wyd.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Wojtyś, A. (2016). Past Participle Marking in Mediaeval English. A Corpus-Based Study in Historical Morphology. (2. wyd.). San Diego, CA: Æ Academic Publishing.
Esquibel, J. i A. Wojtyś (red) (2012)Explorations in the English Language: Middle Ages and Beyond. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature - Volume 35). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. (402 strony)
Szekspir, William (2017) Dwóch szlachetnych krewnych. Poematy. (Szekspir, volume 41)Tłum. Anna Wojtyś. Warszawa: Hachette Polska sp. z o.o.
Sylwanowicz, Marta — Anna Wojtyś (2024) “Loss of wiþer-words in English.” In: Thijs Porck — Moragh S. Gordon — Luisella Caon (eds.) Keys to the History of English: Diachronic Linguistic Change, Morpho-Syntax and Lexicography. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 191–211. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/cilt.363.09syl
Kizeweter, Magdalena — Anna Wojtyś (2024) “Dramat Szekspira i Fletchera w adaptacji scenicznej. Przekład The Two Noble Kinsmen na język polski.” In: Aleksandra K. Knapik —Piotr P. Chruszczewski (eds.) Między tekstem a kulturą: Z zagadnień interpretacyjnych. San Diego, CA: Æ Academic Publishing. 143–169.
Wojtyś, A. – M. Kizeweter (2020) “Adapting Shakespeare and Fletcher’s drama for theater: A selection of problems on the way of rendering the tragicomedy The Two Noble Kinsmen into Polish.” In: H. Sauer – P. P. Chruszczewski (eds.) Mostly Medieval. In Memory of Jacek Fisiak. San Diego, CA: Æ Academic Publishing. 371–394.
Wojtyś, A. (2017). "The role of syntactic factors in the elimination of *þurfan from English." In: A. Kijak, J. Nykiel i A. Łęcki (eds.). Current Developments in English Historical Linguistics. . Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. 176-191.
Wojtyś, A. (2015). "Verbs of granting in Old English documents." In: B. Lowrey i F. Toupin (eds.). Studies in Linguistic Variation and Change. From Old to Middle English. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2-18.
Wojtyś, A. (2014). "The demise of a preterite-present verb. Why was unnan lost?" In: S. Pfenninger (Red.). Contact, Variation, and Change in the History of English. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 61-82.
Esquibel, Joanna i Anna Wojtyś (2014). "Att heffness yate uss openn be or oppnedd be: How adjectival can a Middle English participle be?" In: M. Bilynsky (ed.). Studies in Middle English Words. Forms, Senses and Texts. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 151-164.
Sylwanowicz, Marta — Anna Wojtyś (2022) “Jerzy Wełna’s contribution to linguistic studies.” Token: A Journal of English Linguistics 14: 11–37.
Wojtyś, Anna (2021) “Emergent labial stops in English.” English Language and Linguistics 25.4/851–871. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1360674320000428
Wojtyś, Anna (2021) "Glossing the unfamiliar in the Lindisfarne Gospels." Linguistica Silesiana 42: 21-41. DOI 10.24425/linsi.2021.137230
Sylwanowicz, Marta i Anna Wojtyś (2020) "The adversary or the Devil?: Semantic analysis of wiþer-nouns in Old English." Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 55: 119–137. DOI 10.2478/stap-2020-0005
Wojtyś, Anna (2019) “The value of the sources surviving in more than one version for studies on obsolete words: the case of non-surviving preterite-presents in English." Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 2019/3: 492–503. DOI: 10.24425/kn.2019.129910
Wojtyś, A. i Esquibel, J. (2016). Æfter/ra in the Lindisfarne Gospels: On the Plethora of Its Meanings and Uses in the English Gloss. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies 25: 117–138.
Wojtyś, A. (2016). Tracing an obsolete preterite-present verb: the fates of OE *dugan. Linguistica silesiana 37: 7–23.
Starsze publikacje znajdują się na pełnej liście PBN
2024 International Conference on Middle English (ICOME 13) w Salamance
2023 Linguistics Beyond and Within (LingBaW) w Lublinie
2023 22nd International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-22) w Sheffield
2022 12th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME 12) w Glasgow
2022 Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) w Warszawie
2022 European Education and Innovation Summit w Brukseli
2019 History of the English Language in Poznań (HEL-P 2)
2019 7th Old English Student Conference: Dragons over Northumbria w Krakowie (wykład plenarny)
2018 International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 20) w Edynburgu
2017 History of English Language in Poznań (HEL-P)
2017 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME10) w Stavanger
2016 Old Masters in New Interpretations: Rediscovering Shakespeare w Olsztynie
2016 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies w Kalamazoo
2014 18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 18) w Leuven
2013 3rd Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA) w Amiens
2012 International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 17) w Zurychu
2012 Workshop on the Old English gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels w Londynie
2011 International Conference on Middle English (ICOME7) we Lwowie
2011 Languages in Contact, we Wrocławiu
2010 Languages in Contact, we Wrocławiu
2010 Problemy leksykografii dwujęzycznej w Warszawie
2009 Foreign influences on Medieval English Conference (FIME) w Warszawie
2008 6th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME 6) w Cambridge
2007 6th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS) w Poznaniu
2006 14th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL) w Bergamo
2005 5th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME) w Neapolu
2005 14th PASE Conference w Łodzi
2004 3rd Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS) w Poznaniu
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