Otwarcie zajęć dla studentów i studentek z Ukrainy; FAQ

Wydział Neofilologii podjął decyzję o otwarciu zajęć dla wolnych słuchaczy z Ukrainy. Osoby zainteresowane uczestnictwem w zajęciach proszone są o kontakt: openclasses@wn.uw.edu.pl

Potrzebujemy osób które oprowadzą naszych gości po Hożej i pomogą trafić na właściwe zajęcia. Zgłoszenia piszcie na adres: m.rosinski@uw.edu.pl

Here's what we can offer as the Institute of English Studies: You're welcome to participate in our classes and courses, though you won't be officially enrolled at this point. The open classes themselves can be a way to spend your time so that you can keep track of your interests and skills. Classes are free of charge. Please send your contact information to openclasses@wn.uw.edu.pl as well as m.rosinski@uw.edu.pl Dr. Maciej Rosiński will set you up with a volunteer from IES who'll show you around the Institute and help you choose something from out class timetables. Feel free to contact them with questions afterwards as well!

Our Institute is located at Hoża 69 street in the center of Warsaw:

Official admissions

Candidates from Ukraine are always considered during the admissions process, which takes place every year in the summer. This year, new rules might develop, allowing for more Ukrainians to be admitted, but I don't have any details yet. If you're interested in the official admissions process at our Institute you can send your questions to: rekrutacja.angli@uw.edu.pl

Check out our pages for candidates as well.

Class timetables

BA level classes and courses:


MA level classes and courses:


Note that there are separate time tables for BA year 1, year 2 year 3, as well as MA year 1, year 2... You need to go through them all to see the full scope of our learning offer.

Guide - what to choose, some suggestions

1st year time tables for BA and MA students have lectures on broad topics (English Lit, etc.) You can find them here:



Courses are more specialized, and there's a separate table for BA and MA levels:



You'll notice that there are other classes available as well. Practical English classes, such as writing, speaking (all labeled PE) might be of interest to you. However,  avoid translation classes and courses, since these involve PL<->ENG translations. Avoid BA & MA seminars since these are mostly focused on thesis writing.

Cancelled classes, etc.

Obviously, classes get cancelled for various reasons. Our lecturers cannot inform you of this via student e-mail but a relevant notice will usually be published at least a day earlier: on https://ia.uw.edu.pl/en/for-students

Internet access at the Institute:
1. If your Ukrainian universities use the eduroam system (many do), know that this network is also available at Polish universities and you should be able to use the same login data for wi-fi access. You might run into some small technical problems, which can usually be solved by changing a few network settings.
2. The library, and the reading room next to it, have computers with internet access and you are free to use them.
3. There's a public access computer in room 326 which you can use as well.

We're not sure if it's possible for us to set up an unrestricted (cf. eduroam), unattended (cf. library) hot spot. Therefore we encourage you to check if you have any sort of eduroam credentials

Eduroam guides are available here:



Attending classes

To attend a selected class simply get there on time as given in the timetables. You don't need to fill out any forms. But please introduce yourself to the teachers as a Ukrainian student. Most likely you'll be allowed to join. Please make note of the classes you're attending and their tutors. In 2-3 weeks time we'll be sending a survey regarding classes selected by all guest students.


We have a Whatsapp group where Ukrainian students, and IES volunteers can keep in touch, exchange information etc. If you want to access it please contact m.rosinski@uw.edu.pl


Some classes at IES use the Moodle platform to share reading materials (etc.) with course participants:

If you need an account, please contact m.rosinski@uw.edu.pl

Social spaces/work spaces

There's a couple of social spaces around the Institute which you are free to use. First of all, don't hesitate to spend your time around the building in common rooms such as the library reading space, room #239, the kitchenette next to it, the room near the side entrance, or any of the common tables.

Since quite a few people joined the open classes programme, we have recently opened another social/work room - #326. We're still working on it, but as of now it is already open and equipped with computers, chairs, tables, office materials and kitchen utilities. All this stuff is for you! Feel free to take the office materials you need, and enjoy the snacks, tea, coffee, etc. brought in by our staff :-)

Institute map

Library access

There have been some recent developments regarding library access. First of all the main university library BUW is handing out library cards to anyone with a Ukrainian passport. It doesn't allow to borrow books, but it gives access to the reading rooms there:


Addittionally, if you come to our Institute's library, and tell them you're a participant in the open classes programme, they will send your info to BUW, and you'll be able to get a library access card which will allow for borrowings at the IES library (only here rather than the main BUW building).