Jan-Noël Thon - "Postdigital Aesthetics and Processes of Remediation in Recent Indie Games"

(28.10) New Media in Contemporary Culture is a series of online lectures and workshops organized in the Institute of English Studies at the University of Warsaw. Once a month, world-renowned specialists present their latest research into a variety of new media issues. All the events are held on Zoom at 4pm CET.

Our first guest is Jan-Noël Thon, Professor of Media Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Guest Professor of Media Studies at the University of Cologne, Germany. He has published ten books on comics studies, film studies, game studies, media studies, transmedial narratology, and (post)digital culture.

The title of his talk is "Postdigital Aesthetics and Processes of Remediation in Recent Indie Games"

Link: https://NTNU.zoom.us/j/91867160617?pwd=Q2NEaVpwbkM5NEJPclRDVUgzSi9JZz09

This paper presents ongoing research that aims to mobilize the concept of the postdigital to understand the effects of ubiquitous processes of digitalization within what now appears as an increasingly postdigital culture as well as analyze a certain kind of transmedial or transmaterial aesthetics that is defined by digital media forms remediating, emulating, or simulating the mediality and materiality of nondigital media forms. Against this background, the paper will then zoom in on how recent indie games employ postdigital aesthetics in the context not only of their audiovisual but also of their ludic and narrative design.