Wykłady inauguracyjne dla studentów I roku
Queen Victoria in Advertising - dr hab. Dorota Babilas
1 października 2021
In her long reign, and especially after the Diamond Jubilee, Queen Victoria’s image started to appear in advertising of various commercial products from foodstuffs to bicycles. Victoria’s face, usually borrowed from her official portraiture, connoted high quality, prestige, patriotic loyalty for British goods, but also gave unexpected splendour to many everyday products used by middle-class women. The presentation takes a closer look at Victorian advertising in order to analyse the underlying ideological subtext concerning patriotism, monarchy, gender, modernity, and Empire.
From Landscape to Land Art - dr Katarzyna Kociołek
1 października 2020
Are we all artists? What's the connection between ecology and art? If you never particularly liked landscape art, maybe after watching this short lecture you'll change your mind? A must see for all admirers of British and Irish scenic views.🙂
Experimental Methods in Linguistics - dr hab. Bartłomiej Czaplicki
1 października 2020
Did you know that medicine and linguistics use the same diagnostic equipment? - you will learn about 3D ultrasonography and testing linguistic hypotheses from this lecture.