Student Affairs Head Office during Christmas break
From Dec. 23 till Dec 29 and on Dec 31. 2024, Student Affairs Head Office will be closed. Merry Christmas!!!
Schedule for the winter exam session
The schedule for the winter exam session is uploaded. Follow this link or check out the pages below.
certificate exams
Registration deadlines
- online revision course 11.12.2024 – 09.01.2025
- language exams 12.12.2024 – 13.01.2025
Master Thesis Training (The Baltic University Programme)
A highly rated and interdisciplinary master student training
The BUP is pleased to announce the fourth edition of the…
Fundamentals of intellectual property rights
Fundamentals of intellectual property rights (3301-WLAINT) - compulsory classes, one-time meeting, instrucotr - Mateusz…
EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award 2025: call for submissions
The EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award is an annual competition to find the best master’s theses in
Europe within the area of language use, language policy and multilingualism
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Open Lectures instructions
New Open Lectures instructions are available in the Useful links and documents section