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Second Thoughts - Admissions to the Editorial Board

Second Thoughts was established at the end of 2019. It’s a brand new magazine, which concerns itself with broadly understood humanities and arts. Unlike a typical scholar periodical, Second Thoughts comprises not only essays, but also reviews, feuilletons, information about cultural events, interviews and many more.

The admissions to the Editorial Board are open all the time. If you’d like to be a part of our team and help us with editing, proofreading, and graphic design, don’t hesitate to email us. We are fluent in both Polish and English and would be happy to answer any and all questions. We’ll reach out to successful candidates, who will then start working on the texts for the upcoming issue under the supervision and guidance of Associate Editors. Such a running start should equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary for your journalistic duties in ST.

Second Thoughts

E-mail: second.thoughts.texts@gmail.com