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Job opening for an assistant professor in Linguistics

Head of the Institute of English Studies, Faculty of Modern Language, University of Warsaw announces an open competition for the post of Assistant Professor (Polish: “adiunkt”)

Group of employees: research and teaching

Number of positions:  1

Employment period: fixed-time employment contract 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2026

Full-time contract

Job requirements:

The successful candidate for the position shall comply with the requirements specified in art. 113 of The Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018, and will present the following:

1. A doctoral degree in Linguistics.

The candidate is expected to have expertise in cognitive linguistics, with the main specialization in multimodal discourse (including the role of multimodal metaphor and metonymy). The scope of the candidate’s competences will also include Conceptual metaphor and metonymy (theory and description), R.W. Langacker's theory of cognitive grammar, and description of lexicon in the cognitive linguistic framework. Knowledge of how to analyse the gestural mode would be an additional merit.

2. Scholarly achievements, such as publications and conference presentations;

3. Experience in university teaching;

4. Proficiency in English (C2 or native).

Key responsibilities include:

1. Conducting and disseminating research;

2. Teaching classes included in the curriculum;

3. Carrying out organizational tasks assigned by the head of the Institute, related to research and teaching conducted at the Institute.

Required documents:

1. Job application addressed to the Rector of the University of Warsaw

2. CV including the list of publications and other academic achievements;

3. A copy of the PhD diploma

4. Personal questionnaire for the person applying for employment https://bsp.adm.uw.edu.pl/en/forms-to-download/

5. Information on personal data processing https://bsp.adm.uw.edu.pl/en/forms-to-download/

6. Statement on primary place of employment  https://bsp.adm.uw.edu.pl/en/forms-to-download/

7. A statement confirming that the candidate has been informed about the conditions of conducting the competition procedure for the position of an academic teacher and accepts the terms https://monitor.uw.edu.pl/Lists/Uchway/Attachments/5034/EN.M.2019.282.Zarz.106.pdf

Applications and the required documents should be sent by email to m.bednarek@uw.edu.pl by 15.07.2024.

The results of the competition will be announced by 15.09.2024

The competition is the first stage of the employment procedure for academic teachers as per the Statute of the University of Warsaw. The result of the competition provides a basis for further proceedings.

The Institute of English Studies may invite only selected candidates for the interview. The candidates will be notified about the date, time and form of the interview by email.