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Linguistics or Literature and Culture?

Dear Students,

1. beginning with the second year of your study you follow two different curricula: either English Studies Linguistics or English Studies Literature and Culture

2. we kindly invite you to a meeting on May 20, 2024, Monday, room 1.008, at 16:30, right after the lecture, to find out more about each of the possibilities

3. more info when and how you should declare your choice will be given during the meeting

4. generally, you will be asked to fill out the form to declare your choice; the link will be sent next week 

5. it is assumed that the number of participants in each of the two curricula is the same, i.e. in 50:50 proportion

6. if the survey result shows a disproportion, we will have to readjust some of the declared choices

7. the only criterion for readjustment, if needed, will be the grade average after the winter examination session

8. please provide responsible responses, based on your personal prefernces and on what you learn  on May 20, 2024 

2. Form

1. First name

2. Last name

3. Student ID Number

4. Email 

5. Tick/mark the appropriate

     * Linguistics

     * Literature and Culture