Student Essay Prize 2019

Instytut Anglistyki zaprasza do nadsyłania esejów w języku angielskim na temat „ How does a degree in English Studies help prepare students for the challenges of a twenty-first century career?”. Nagroda to 5000 zł. Konkurs jest otwarty dla wszystkich studentów filologii angielskiej I i II stopnia w Instytucie Anglistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

Zgłoszenia konkursowe należy składać do 23 grudnia.


First Prize: 5.000 zł

Entries are invited for the 2019 Institute of English Studies Student Essay on the following subject:

How does a degree in English Studies help prepare students for the challenges of a twenty-first century career?


  1. The essay must be written in English.
  2. We are looking for originality and clarity of thought, a logical argument, excellent written communication, and evidence of reading and thinking outside your current academic syllabus.
  3. The essay must be between 1,500 and 1,800 words (including footnotes and captions).
  4. You must acknowledge and cite all sources you refer to or get ideas from, including websites, magazines, and podcasts. These can be referenced as footnotes or in the text in brackets.
  5. You must provide a bibliography, detailing the sources you have referred to or drawn from – including websites consulted. This is not included in the word limit.
  6. You must type your essay in font Times New Roman, size 12, using 1½ line spacing and standard margins.

The full set of terms and guidelines along with the contest form can be found in this attachement.